1. Does it cost anything to become an affiliate of Sensi Seeds and / or WeedSeedShop?

Becoming a member of the Cannaclicks affiliate programme for Sensi Seeds and / or WeedSeedShop is totally free.

We do not charge any registration or subscription costs. It is, however, a requirement that the registration satisfies the guidelines for cooperation. If we accept you for our affiliate programme, then you will receive access to the highest commissions in the cannabis seed industry. This can be up to 30%!

2. How do I set up an affiliate account?

It begins with the registration, which can be done here.

Registration is totally free and you will generally receive an email informing you whether or not your registration has been approved within 7 days. If your registration is approved, you will receive all information necessary to gain access to our programme.

3. Do I need to have my own website to become an affiliate?

You don't need a website (although having your own website helps).

You can promote our products via: postings in online forums, tweeting, by posting links on Facebook or LinkedIn, by recording videos, or simply by emailing your affiliate link to our product to your friends and people you know. All you need to do is to send visitors to our site via a special link (called 'affiliate link'), and if they buy anything from us, you will get a commission from the sales value. This can be up to 30%. You can register for our affiliate programme free of charge here.

4. Which products qualify for referral fees?

All products sold qualify for referral fees.

Here is an overview of the affiliates commissions per month:

  • Sensi Seeds’ seeds will earn you a potential fee of 20% if the sales value you generated is ≤ €5000
  • Sensi Seeds’ seeds will earn you a potential fee of 25% if the sales value you generated is > €5000 and ≤ € 8000
  • Sensi Seeds’ seeds will earn you a potential fee of 30% if the sales value you generated is > €8000
  • Sensi Seeds CBD oil products will earn you a potential fee of 17.5% of the sales value
  • All other Sensi Seeds products will earn you a potential fee of 5% of the sales value
  • WeedSeedShop’s seeds will earn you a potential fee of 30% of the sales value
  • WeedSeedShop’s CBD oil will earn you a potential fee of 15% of the sales value
  • All other WeedSeedShop products will earn you a potential fee of 5% of the sales value.
Our split-fee commission policy (see point 5) applies to the fee scales as stated above. Please also keep in mind for your commission calculation that we do not pay commission on VAT, returns, bad debt, terminated bank transfers or cash payments the money of which was never received. Other additional costs that may occur, such as: costs for shipping, handling, service charges or possible credit card processing fees, also fall outside the commission structure.

5. Split fee / Split-commission, what is it and how does it work?

In order to pay out a fee to you, we record who was the first and who was the last to refer that customer to our site using the special link material we provided in the 30 days prior to the purchase. The payment of a fee is a sign of our appreciation to the various affiliates who help drive traffic to our websites. As an affiliate, this gives you two chances of earning a fee instead of one. If you are the first or last affiliate to send us traffic that results in a sale, you will earn a fee. Note: The fee is split 50/50 between the first and last referring affiliate.

There are a few exceptions:

  • If there is only one affiliate who refers traffic to our site that resulted in a sale, then of course that affiliate will earn the full fee amount (100%).
  • In case a potential customer visits one of our websites directly and then leaves without buying anything, only to return to our website within 30 days to buy something, we will see if this traffic was brought to us by one and/or more affiliates and if so, the last referring affiliate will receive 50% of the fee amount, and the first referring affiliate will also receive 50% of the total fee amount.
  • When purchases on the Sensi Seeds and/or WeedSeedShop and/or SensiCBD webshops result from referrals via random Search Engines such as Google.com, Bing.com or Duckduckgo.com, the traffic that has reached our website via the Search Engine is seen as an SEO effort on our part. In those cases, we apply a fair 50/50 policy. We first look at whether there was still an affiliate within the 30-day period that previously directed the buyer to our website. If that is the case, and you were that first affiliate to lead traffic to us within that period, you will receive 50% of the fee amount to be paid out. So, for example, it could also work out that you have brought a customer to our website, and that customer decides not to buy. However, within 30 days the customer will still come back to our website, but this time via a search engine and you may still benefit. Because you may have been the first affiliate to refer that customer to our website for that particular purchase.

7. How do I keep track of my earnings and traffic?

As an affiliate of the Cannaclicks affiliate network, you will have access to our 'members only' area, where you can view your earnings and traffic reports at any time.

The reports are always current as they are updated in real time (server delay 15 minutes). Reports detail the amount of the commissions you have earned, how many clicks your banners and links generate, what their CTR is, and even the sales commission rate of your banners and links is specified.

8. How and when will I be paid?

Payments are issued in euros and we pay on a monthly basis by bank transfer only, we do not support regular checks or PayPal at the moment.

On the 16th-18th of every month, if the balance of your affiliate account has reached the minimum pay-out amount of €100, the referral fees earned in the previous month(s) will be transferred to your bank account. If your account balance has not reached the minimum pay-out amount, the referral fees you earned will stay in your account to be paid out when your account balances the €100.

9. Will I earn referral fees for personal orders that I make through my website?

As stated in the Operating Agreement, Cannaclicks and / or Sensi Seeds and / or WeedSeedShop cannot pay referral fees for personal orders.

10. What kind of updates and other communications will I receive as an affiliate?

All Cannaclicks communications will be directly related to the Sensi Seeds and / or WeedSeedShop affiliate programme.

We will send you a monthly email containing your commission report. Occasionally, we will send you email messages that include site news, special offers for Sensi Seeds and / or WeedSeedShop products, and important updates on the Cannaclicks Affiliate Program and its policies.

11. Does my web platform or registration qualify for the Cannaclicks affiliate programme?

Most web platforms will qualify to participate in the programme; however, the Cannaclicks affiliate network on behalf of Sensi Seeds and WeedSeedShop may reject web platforms that are deemed unsuitable.

Examples of web platforms that would NOT qualify for participation include:

  • Sites that contain or promote sexually explicit material
  • Sites that promote violence
  • Sites that promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation, or age
  • Sites that promote illegal activities
  • Sites that violate intellectual property rights
Please note: unfortunately, we are not able to approve registrations if they are not completed fully and/or truthfully. If your website / web platform is subsequently rejected because it turns out that incorrect details were provided to us, then the right to any accrued commissions will lapse.

We will, of course, handle your details with the utmost discretion, here you can check our privacy policy.

12. Can I promote you through pay-per-click search engines?

Yes, you can promote us through pay-per-click search engines.

In fact, this type of promotion is becoming increasingly popular and we are aware of affiliates promoting our products in this way and making a very good profit.

13. I have forgotten my password. Can you help?

If you lost your password, just enter your username (email) and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your current password.

14. I have forgotten my username. Can you help?

Having a hard time logging in or requesting a password? Please check for the Post Affiliate Pro welcome email, which you received after signing up for our affiliate programme.

Should you subsequently need help, please send us an email describing the login problem and we will contact you as soon as possible.

15. What is Cannaclicks?

Cannaclicks was originally an online cannabis media agency with its registered office in Amsterdam. We sell advertising space for the domains of Cannaweed.com, Weedfarmer.com, Marihuanacultivo.com and Hanfanbauen.com.

Currently Cannaclicks also manages Sensi Seeds' and WeedSeedShop’s affiliate programme. In this way, you will have the convenience of being able to use two of the best affiliate programmes via one login portal. For more information about Cannaclicks, please visit our website.

16. Can I contact you?

Of course, we can be contacted by e-mail: Cannaclicks e-mail.